The inner word

26 Jan 2014

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

In his First Letter to the Corinthians Saint Paul warned of the danger of factions and conflict in the church. The most recent change in the papacy has reoriented the church away from a focus on its internal tensions and sometimes adversarial relationship with the rest of the world and toward what brings true unity: spreading the gospel and serving God and neighbor—especially those most in need—which is its proper focus. How can you participate in this mission?

23 Jan 2011

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?


  • As both the first and second readings say, God acts to bring the light of salvation and consolation to God's people. Where do I experience salvation in my life? How are my burdens lifted?
  • Jesus calls the apostles out of their daily activities, and they immediately leave all to follow him. In what places do I find God most often every day? Can I do more to "drop everything" and respond to God's call when I hear it?
  • Baptism, Saint Paul writes, brings unity to those who have faith in Christ. How am I an instrument of unity in the church and the world?


22 Jan 2017

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

In his First Letter to the Corinthians Saint Paul warned of the danger of factions and conflict in the church. The most recent change in the papacy has reoriented the church away from a focus on its internal tensions and sometimes adversarial relationship with the rest of the world and toward what brings true unity: spreading the gospel and serving God and neighbor—especially those most in need—which is its proper focus. How can you participate in this mission?

26 Jan 2020

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

  • As both the first and second readings say, God acts to bring the light of salvation and consolation to God’s people. Where do I experience salvation in my life? How are my burdens lifted?
  • Jesus calls the apostles out of their daily activities, and they immediately leave all to follow him. In what places do I find God most often every day? Can I do more to “drop everything” and respond to God’s call when I hear it?
  • Baptism, Saint Paul writes, brings unity to those who have faith in Christ. How am I an instrument of unity in the church and the world?
22 Jan 2023

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A

What’s in your heart?

  • How did you experience your own call to ministry? Did it feel as if it came out of the blue for you, as it surely did for Peter and Andrew? Or was it a slower, more organic process, involving years of discernment, struggle, and questions?
  • At some point, did a leap of faith come into the picture? Doesn’t it always, when life’s most important decisions are made?

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